Since we launched The Painkiller Project, we've been overwhelmed by the number of brilliant scripts we've received. However, we can only produce a fraction of the plays we'd like to and we find ourselves frustrated by the prospect of so much quality writing going to waste.
In light of this, we’ve come up with The Painkiller Pool: a place for directors and playwrights to meet.
The information.
We want to help facilitate connections between playwrights and directors.
To do this we want to keep a record of some of the best plays we receive and then invite theatre directors to read the plays which most appeal to them.
We hope to kick start interesting and fulfilling creative relationships between directors and writers who might otherwise never have come into contact.
The method.
From now on, we will invite playwrights of the work we most enjoyed reading to become part of The Painkiller Pool.
If the playwright is happy to be involved, their short play will be listed in the Pool anonymously.
Directors and producers can now get in touch to access to the Pool - which will be a password protected place on this website.
Playwrights work will remain anonymous until the point at which someone reads the script wants to be put in touch. The playwright will then be able to decide whether they would like to be put in touch. We think playwright's anonymity is really important because it allows for the connection to be purely based on the work.
The purpose of the pool is to help support new these connections and our only hope is that it leads to future collaborations.
We think that because playwrights are only submitting short plays 500-1500 words - this will increase the chances of connections being made. In that sense, it's a little like speed dating.
If you would like to have access to The Painkiller Pool please apply through our portal - here.
This opportunity will have no application deadline.